Our Mission at Faith Baptist Church is to glorify God

through praise, worship, evangelism, discipleship, and stewardship,

resulting in ministry to our community, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Pastor Tony McGraw

Appointed August 2022

We all are born with a purpose in life. Pastor Tony McGraw’s passion centers around helping teens and adults identify and pursue their purpose, especially those who have experienced some of life’s greatest setbacks. His work has been broad in scope as he has supported the personal, professional, and spiritual development of many. 

As an ordained minister who has preached for over 45 years, he has planted and developed churches in Gulfport, Mississippi, Syracuse, New York, and Liverpool, New York. He was serving as the Assistant Pastor of  True Tried Missionary Baptist Church of Indianapolis, Indiana when the Lord put on his heart to return to the role of Pastor. He was lead to and encouraged to accept the role of Pastor here at Faith Baptist Church. Pastor McGraw is bivocational. He also works as a Family Consultant/ Mentor for a faith-based organization where he strives to reunite and support families that have been torn apart by life’s circumstances.


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Pastor Charles Ivy
Served from December 2018 - April 2021

Pastor Charles J. Ivy accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at age 13. He was baptized at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Waukegan, Illinois, where his uncle, Rev. Bruce Ivy, served as pastor. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Ivy united with Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan in June 1974 under the late Rev. J. N. Lightfoot. He was crowned a Deacon in June 1987. Several years later, Pastor Ivy became Chairman of the Deacons and earned his certificate to teach Sunday School. On August 28, 1994, following the path God had chosen for him, Pastor Ivy accepted God’s call and was licensed to preach the gospel.

Early on, he completed multiple volunteer training programs for grief and bereavement, including Victory Hospital and Hospice Alliance. On April 13, 1997, he became an Ordained Baptist Minister. He was appointed to the position of Assistant to the Pastor here at Shiloh in 1999. He entered the Seminary at Northern Baptist Theological in 2004 and received his Master of Divinity degree on June 5, 2010.

He was called to Faith Baptist Church in South Bend, Indiana to serve as Pulpit Spiritual Leader in 2017. In December of 2018, Faith Baptist Church moved to accept Minister Ivy as their new Pastor. There, he provided pastoral care, support, and various responsibilities, utilizing the gifts God has given him. On April 30, 2021, the Shiloh Family called Pastor Ivy to become the 15th Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan and Pastor answered the call on May 3, 2021.

Pastor Ivy resides in the Lake County area with his wife, Shirley, of 39 years. Together, they have two wonderful children, Cedric (Anissa) and Alicia (Damon). They enjoy spending quality time with their family and creating new memories with their granddaughter, Riyah.

Pastor Stephen Perkins, Sr.
Served 1994 - 2017
Pastor George Joseph (Founder)
Served August 1969 - 1993